Sensory Bliss
Nourishing Your Being
Through Your Senses
with Julia and Sandy
About Our Speakers

Julia Apodaca, LMT, NTS
Julia started working at the Ayurvedic Institute in 2015. She discovered a passion for bodywork and studied massage at the New Mexico School of Natural Therapeutics. She then worked as a therapist and operations manager for the Panchakarma department. Julia also worked as the program director and instructor at New Mexico School of Massage. In this position, Julia developed and taught a 40 hour ayurvedic bodywork course for massage therapy students. Julia has brought her passion for teaching to SoHum as the wellness director, where she trains massage therapists in traditional ayurvedic and panchakarma therapies. When Julia is not training new therapists, you will find her working on clients or hiking on the trails on the SoHum property.

Sandy Viteri, RYT 200, AC
Most of her life Sandy has grappled with a number of medical concerns and after exhausting the solutions Western Medicine could offer, Sandy began exploring more holistic approaches to health and wellness. On her healing journey, Sandy traveled to India where she had the honor of being treated by and learn from world-renowned Ayurvedic physician and author, Vasant Lad, BAM&S, MASc. After this experience Sandy has devoted herself to the two sister sciences of Ayurveda and Yoga.
Sandy is passionate about healthy living practices, spirituality, chakra work, travel, marketing, and animals. She is a 200hr Yoga certified Teacher and she is currently studying to become an Integrative Healthcare Practitioner and an Ayurvedic Consultant. Sandy currently lives in Asheville, NC, with her husband and her golden retriever Bonnie.